There is something to be said in the sufferings. Most of us do not like to suffer. I included. But how will we have first-hand experience who God is, if we do not suffer? Let’s be clear, not all suffering is a test from God. Some things are attacks from the devil. This verse is talking bout tribulation a big difference.
The disciples and the early church faced many tribulations. Jesus even told us that in this world we will have tribulation but we have to be of good cheer. Good cheer? Yes, because Jesus has overcome the world. So then we too can overcome.
Our faith will be tested. Faith in God. It is that trying of our faith that produces character. It helps us to develop patience, endurance, and trust in the Lord. It helps to keep that momentum going. We should be moving forward. Pressing on no matter what, we press. We press toward the mark of the prize of high calling of God in Christ Jesus. That is what the word of God tells us.
Do you have the commitment, the courage to withstand the tribulations? There is glory waiting.
Limitless in pursuit
Secured in my conviction
Pushed pass the fear
Into the glorious wonder
I find my place
Poem by TheRedInkSpot