I play favorites with my son. I tell him that he is my favorite son but I can say that because He is my only son. I am so glad God does not play favorites. With God, what He will do for one of us, He will do the another. If you follow His commands, then the blessings belong to you. He treats all His children the same. He does not and will not withhold any good thing from those that love and serve Him. He loves to shower us with good things. He wants us all to experience His joy and peace.
God is a good father. He is the best father. We can call Him Abba Father meaning our Father. He is father of all. We can have an intimate relationship with Him. He wants that relationship with us. He designed us for this purpose. Think about that. God created you especially so He can have a relationship with you. You may feel lonely but developing a relationship with take all the loneliness away. He is omnipresent so you can talk to Him anytime and anywhere.
Diamonds to the touch
Sparkling on the inside
Magnetic force
Drawing those to Himself
Precious members
Of the body
We are harmoniously one
Poem by TheRedInkSpot