I was rereading a portion of Revelation and this verse stood out to me. The Lord will allow those who overcome to sit with Him on His throne? What an honor that would be to sit with our Lord and Savior on the throne. It is amazing because if not for Him, we would not be worthy of partaking in anything. It is because of Him that we can be in right standing with God the Father. For the only begotten Son of God to bestow this on us, how humbling is that. We are truly heirs and joint-heirs. He is allowing us to share in His glory. Thank you Jesus! You did not have to do this but you did. What a loving act.
The claim on our lives
Makes us land in joy-filled thankfulness
The bigness of our God
Seeps into our lives
In a way that reaches to the center
The platform we are given
Equals a vantage point
Truly going up to the Most High
We cannot get to the end
Without the beginning
We give knowledge of the Savior
To our hearts
There is no other path to get there
He is the way
The call of mankind
Moving with benevolence
God is all and in all
Poem By TheRedInkSpot