Did you ever notice that a wedding ceremony doesn’t begin until the bride arrives and is ready to proceed down the aisle? The bride has to be ready before the wedding ceremony begins. In the same way, the bride of Christ must be ready. The church is the bride. We must be ready before He returns.
I believe that God is waiting for the church to get ready. Then Christ will return to gather up his bride, His church. We don’t know when that day will be only God the Father knows. He knows when the time has come.
The Holy Spirit that lives within every true believer is beckoning the call of our Lord. We must stay filled with the Holy Spirit so we can be in tune with what is going on in the spiritual realm, the unseen world. Be filled with the love of God. Be overflowing with joy. Stay rested in God’s peace.
Inside feels the sound
Water crashing
Tossed amongst the cavity
Intuitive we cry
Many languages come
The Spirit, The Bride
Riding on a stallion
Of Alabaster Glow
Poem by TheRedInkSpot