It should be a pleasure to serve the Lord. It is not a hardship. It is not burdensome. It is fulfilling and it makes you break out in a praise. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. There are no constraints put on us. We have been delivered from the chains of bondage.
Our praise should be filled with joy. Shouts of joy!! I am free! Jesus set me free! There is joy in this here house. When I say house, I mean my vessel, my body, my inner parts. I am beaming. The Son is lit within my soul. I am full of vitality. I am offering up a blissful praise.
The work I do for the Lord is a gratification. I know that it is all good. It honors Him and points people to Him. Let us continue to make an impact on our world. That onlookers will see God's good work and see His glory. We can do this!
Revealed in humanity
Tidings of happiness
News spread
From corner to corner
Is your spirit open?
Ears turned
Into the emotional frequency
Patented by the Holy Spirit
Traveling heart to heart
Welcome all ye souls
To the grand celebration
Lifted up beyond barriers
Limitless and soaring
Saints all adoring
My time is well spent
In immediate service
We gather as one
Footsteps prodding the minds
In agreement with the manuscript
Of life, Our life line
Unadulterated writings
Searing the inner man
Effects that lead to joy
Poem by TheRedInkSpot