As the years go by, there is less and less belief in God, and things pertaining to God. The Bible is looked at as a bunch of fairytales. People do not hear anything about the Bible. They do not want to hear anything about Jesus and just the mention of his name causes controversy, it stirs emotions but the word of Christ is so important.
Jesus gave us insight. He gave us insight to the kingdom of Heaven, into having faith like a seed, and a place of torment and eternal damnation, a place called Hell. It amazes me when I hear people say, they do not believe the hell exists. That hell is a made-up place. That hell is here on earth.
Jesus talked about hell more than anything. What was He talking about then? Something made up? Why would He come to this earth and go through the agony, the suffering and the shame on the cross, if there is no hell? Where did He go when He died? If there is a Heaven, then there is a Hell. The good news is that you do not have to go there. Jesus made a way for us to escape that eternal nightmare. Just receive Him and you will be saved.
Reality is destiny
The story of the wealthy
Terrorized in flames
Agonizing over choosing
The crooked road
Rejecting the hope
A lesson for all
To heed the warning
And answer the call
Poem By TheRedInkSpot