An image can be made into a replica of something. It is a picture. We get an understanding of what God is like as we look at ourselves. God has emotions. He has intellect, creativity, a will and we have these same attributes. We are unique crafted by His design. This is how special you are in His mind. He decided to make us a reflection of who He is in a human composition.
I feel like if we could understand who we were made to be, then we would see our worth. God gave us our identity. Our physical make up is interesting. Our fingerprints, our hair strands, our cells, everything that we have is our own. No one is the same. Even twins as closely linked as they are, they do not share the same physical things.
If people knew the value of who God made us to be, then people would not destroy life. We would treat each other better. We would see the God lives in all of us. We should regard each other. We would not want to upset each other and others before us.
God decided to make humans like Him. It is a wonder.
They come in many shapes
Sizes and colors
As do people
We are a kaleidoscope
Of hues and frames
That fit neatly
Into this world
Our Creator looks
Sees all the array of souls
As their aura lights
The way to determine
What soul is His
Which belongs to His heart
It is a divine selection
Made for all eternity
Poem By TheRedInkSpot