David sure did know something about God. He declared him as his rock, his fortress and his deliverer. God had shielded him from his enemies especially the ruthless King Saul. When the time came, David knew who to turn to and that was the Lord God.
I am seeing peace. How about you? Do you see how mighty our God is to protect you? It is authentic. He will be your rock to stand on when you need stability. He will be your fortress to stay in when you need to be secure and tucked away safe from the enemy. He will be your deliverer to rescue you when you need to be kept from danger. We can be at peace knowing that God will keep us in the time of trouble. Then you like David can say the Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer.
Buckling knees with fright
Thoughts that torment strike
Elements of speech
Reappear from memory
Championed nemesis
Embolden my position
Pointed to the sky
Beyond the horizon
To the inner courts
Safely cradled by the Son
Poem by TheRedInkSpot