Our minds must be fastened on Jesus. He is the author and finisher of our faith. He is the hope of glory, He is the hope of salvation. We have to be anchored in Him. Think about what an anchor does to a ship. The ship is gigantic and that anchor once secure holds that ship in place. Keeps it from moving. This is what Jesus does for us. It reminds me of the song “I woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus”. That mind needs to be stayed all the day long. When troubles come our thoughts should be on Jesus. We look to Him for hope and He rescues us.
Let us more forward with this thought in mind. Jesus is soon to return. He is coming back for us, His bride, His church. He is making us holy and ready. Be encouraged to continue on running the race that leads to eternal life.
Inspection comes
My grip tightens
Feeding my spirit
Page by page
It comes alive
In my presence
Of thought
Deeds show it
Your mighty arm
Holding me steady
As a ship charting
Rocky waters
Poem by TheRedInkSpot